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School Council

The School Council play an important role in representing the voice of St Dunstan's' pupils. Comprised of student representatives from each year group, the council serves as a bridge between the student body and school leaders.
This year, the council has organised several initiatives to promote diversity, charitable giving, and literacy within the school. One of the highlights was "Culture Day," where pupils celebrated the rich tapestry of cultural traditions within the school community through activities, stories, clothing and culinary delights, to help foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for one another's backgrounds.

The council additionally, organised a "Pyjama Day" fundraiser, with pupils donating funds to support a local refugee charity. This effort not only raised substantial monetary contributions but also raised awareness about the challenges faced by displaced individuals seeking refuge. Combining the importance of literacy and community support, the council hosted a successful Book Fair, with proceeds benefiting a local food pantry. This initiative not only encouraged a love for reading amongst pupils but also demonstrated the school council's commitment to addressing food insecurity within the community.

Through these acts, our School Council has proven itself to be a driving force for positive change, cultivating an environment of inclusivity, empathy, and social responsibility within the school community.


Cultural Day