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The Governing Body of St Dunstan’s School are proud that this is a school where our children are supported to achieve their full potential and live our Mission Statement: “As we grow with God, we learn from each other”.

The Governing Body is responsible for conducting regular monitoring visits to the school, which focus on specific areas of the School Improvement Plan or areas of statutory responsibility.  Individual governors, groups of governors or committees have no power or right to act on behalf of the governing body except where the governing body, at a meeting, has agreed to delegate a specific function to that individual, group of governors or committee, or where regulations specify that a function is to be exercised in a particular way. 

The Governing Body gives the school its strategic direction and acts as a “critical friend”, helping to guide the school to provide the highest standard of education for all our children. We do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school - that is the responsibility of the Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team and the Staff.

The governing body’s main role is to secure its mission, sustain its ethos and help raise achievement standards.

  • It ensures that the school delivers a Catholic education and encourages the children’s spiritual, moral and cultural development;
  • It plans the school’s future direction and sets targets;
  • It is accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community;
  • It selects the head teacher;
  • It makes decisions on the school’s budget and staffing;
  • It makes sure the National Curriculum is taught;
  • It ensures the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs.

The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the school's educational performance.

The Governing Body currently has two vacancies for Parent Governors.  We were unsuccessful when we went out to parents for nominations.  If you are interested in becoming a Parent Governor, please make an appointment via the school office to speak to the Headteacher.

Gill Gregory is the Chair of Governors for the academic year 2024/2025

If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please send a letter marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors to the school office. 

Governing Body Information

Governing Body Details                                                                     Governing Body Diversity Information 2024.25

Governors Pecuniary Interest Register 2024.25                            Governors Attendance Register & Committee Membership 2024.25

Governors Pecuniary Interest Register 2023.24                            Governors Attendance Register & Committee Membership 2023.24